As promised, knitting resolutions for 2011:
1. Knit a pair of 2-at-a-time Toe-up Magic Loop me-sized socks
2. Some kind of Fair Isle project (Haven't decided if it will be a hat or fingerless gloves, though I think the hat may be easier for a first project. I could be wrong.)
3. Pound of Caring Challenge (First project on this list is a crocheted star afghan for Project Linus to use up some of the Bernat Softee Baby in my stash. Speaking of stash...)
4. Stash Busting! (There are rules - see below.)
5. Knit a wearable. (I'm hesitant on this one and am going to save it for last, possibly bumping it to 2012 if I can get away with it. I'm thinking either a vest or a shrug.)
Rules for Stash Busting
1. Pom-pom yarn doesn't count. (It's an addiction and never gets added to my stash as it's usually knitted with 24 hours.)
2. Allowed to buy yarn to make my sister's wedding shawl.
3. Allowed to use any gift certificates given to me. (Wouldn't want them to expire or get lost or anything of that sort, now would we?)
4. All gifts and personal items must be knit from stash.
5. All charity and craft fair items (charity also) must be knit from stash if at all possible. If a special yarn needs to be purchased for a special project (i.e. pumpkin hats for Duke Hospital, etc.), it must be knit immediately and not added to stash.
6. Yarn Swaps - must leave with new yarn in a quantity less than or equal to that brought to the swap.
So, that's the plan for 2011. Wish me luck!
Currently crafting: Scarf for the Special Olympics
Currently reading: An American Childhood by Annie Dillard